Thursday, May 3, 2007


Ok, so I'll keep this one brief..... it's mainly photographs.....

Mr Van Roon, Mr Brown and Mr Doogan have written quite a bit about the advertising that the ITFK dojangs are doing regarding English Taekwon-Do..... well, I've got some photos for you..... :-)

Yes, that's right, it's Mr Brown on the side of a bus.... You can imagine the looks of surprise on the faces of passersby when they see the photograph, and then see Mr Brown's face peering out the window above it.... heh heh heh heh.....

There are 8 of these banners that will be strung up around the place this coming weekend for the Children's Day celebrations.....

1 comment:

sumo said...

Thank you, now I feel as if I can communicate.
Oomah comes home tomorrow (Sat) and then we wait to see how she goes.
The children in the photo for the performance are taller than you!!!