Monday, May 7, 2007

Tea Time.....

Mr Kim had mentioned a couple of times that he was going to take us to partake in a traditional Tea Ceremony conducted by his Cha Sabum (Tea Teacher) and Saturday was the day. After a quick cup of tea at the dojang we headed off in the car. The journey would have taken a short time except that Saturday was Children's Day (yes that's right, Children's Day..... my parents would have argued that they thought every day was children's day.....) and the streets were packed!!!! Finally after a couple of detours we arrived at an apartment block and jumped into an elevator.....

We got off and walked into a beautiful apartment complete with full tea ceremony setup in the middle of what we would consider to be the lounge room. There we were served tea and rice cakes in a simple but beautifully elegant ceremony.

Following the ceremony the Tea Teacher offered to take us to the shop of a ceramics maker. The shop was full to overflowing with tea sets, plates, vases, urns. I said that I would like to buy a set and asked the teacher to choose for me and I've ended up with a beautiful, simple set that I am dreading trying to get home.....


Anonymous said...

hey there stranger...

sumo said...

You have to post more often that once a week!!

Margie said...

Hiya Chris.. all well here, 16 days smoke free now and fine.Look forward to your next post!